
A collection of composite web elements based on img.

Get Started

Building upon sphinx{design} and Flexbox

sphinx-design is a Sphinx extension for designing beautiful, screen-size responsive web-components. It is inspired by the Bootstrap, Material Design, and Material-UI design frameworks, and uses CSS Flexible Box Layout, commonly known as Flexbox. It is the foundation for all composite elements in this collection.

Works with both reStructuredText (rST) and Markedly Structured Text (MyST)

Either write documentation using the venerable reStructuredText, or use the new extended Markdown/CommonMark syntax Markedly Structured Text. Both are supported equally well.

Less markup

You can do everything what sphinx-design can do, but with less markup code, so you can better focus on content instead of design and style details.

Sandbox and incubator

sphinx-design-elements intends to provide a sandbox and incubation environment for all details currently beyond the scope of sphinx-design, and is very open to receive further contributions in the same area.

Grid table

HTML table based on a grid layout, with ergonomic top-down configuration.

Info card

Composite info card container element, to be used as a grid item.


Badge generator for Shields.io, with optional target linking.


A versatile hyperlink generator.

Special badges

Special tag-like badges and other components.

Kudos to Chris Sewell and all contributors for conceiving and maintaining MyST Parser and sphinx-design.