Getting Started

May 07, 2024

1 min read


The basic installation supports documentation authoring using the reStructuredText (rST) syntax. You can optionally support an extended Markdown syntax by installing and enabling the Markedly Structured Text (MyST) extension.

Use reStructuredText

Install the package.

pip install sphinx-design-elements

Then, add the extension item sphinx_design_elements to the list of extensions within your Sphinx configuration file

extensions = [

Use Markedly Structured Text

Install the packages.

pip install myst-parser sphinx-design-elements

Then, add the extension items myst_parser and sphinx_design_elements to the list of extensions within your Sphinx configuration file When using sphinx-design-elements with MyST, it is also recommended to enable the colon_fence syntax extension.

extensions = [
myst_enable_extensions = [


Head over to the “directives” and “roles” sections to learn about the web elements provided by this collection, and how to use them in your documentation markup.

Both reStructuredText and Markedly Structured Text syntax are supported equally well.


Feedback and feature requests about the provided elements are always welcome. If you see ways to improve them, or want to add a few of your own elements you would like to share with others, do not hesitate to submit patches, in order to add them to the collection.